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הזמר שמולי שניידר מארח את הזמר והיוצר ארי גולדוואג לביצוע ווקאלי לשיר "Broken Heart" שכתבה והלחינה היוצרת חייל'ה ניוהאוז באלבומה "ניסים 3", כשהוא מבוצע על ידי ילד הפלא גבריאל פלקוביץ.
ההפקה הווקאלית המחודשת של ארי גולדוואג.
What happens when the words gets lost inside
When the silent tears keep falling and thoughts run dry
If I sit and hold a siddur and it's the best that I can do
If don't have the words can I still try to talk to You
I've been trying since the day I learned to read
But some days I just can't ask for what I need
And what if I'm afraid that You're not proud of what You see
If I don't have the words, can I still feel You talk to me
Maybe all You want from me is a broken heart
Maybe nothing's as complete as a broken heart
You're listening when I can't find the words
My pleas are not unseen and my voice not unheard
In the little prayer that flows from my broken heart
Can You somehow draw me close when I feel so far
Surely You who shapes my story part by part
Can hear a song that's whole from a broken heart
I'm learning that there's no one time or place
And that nobody's too small to feel Your embrace
And I am learning that You wait to hear my voice
To You it's sweet
I close my eyes and connect as I repeat
Maybe all You want from me is a broken heart
Maybe nothing's as complete as a broken heart
You're listening when I can't find the words
My pleas are not unseen and my voice not unheard
In the little prayer that flows from my broken heart
You will somehow draw me close when I feel so far
Surely You who shapes my story part by part
You can hear a song that's whole from a broken heart