Parshat Vayakel
"ויקהל משה את כל עדת בני ישראל" (לה א)
(And Moshe gathered the entire Congregation of Bnei Yisrael (35:1
Why did Moshe gather everybody before the commandment of building the Mishkan?
The Ohr Pnei Moshe explains that the first condition of maintaining a Tabernacle or a Holy temple is the unity of the Jewish People . The reason of the destruction of the Holy Temple was conflict and hate between Jews . As stated in the Gemara Gittin 55b " because of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza , Jerusalem was destroyed". Therefore , now , when the Jews are coming to build a Mishkan , Moshe gathered everybody together to give a sense of unity and brotherhood and to inform them that the first condition to having a temple is that they should join up to one union with peace and unity.
The Malbi"m in "Eretz Chemda" explains that when the Jewish people received the Torah they were fully united, "ויחן שם נגד ההר " and " he camped there across from the Mountain " . But After the sin of the Golden Calf ,the unity was lost as Moshe commanded the Jews to kill the sinners . Now, that Moshe had succeeded to appease Hashem to forgive the Jews , he had to restore the unity that had been lost and gathered together all the Jews to regenerate the situation of Mount Sinai "כאיש אחד בלב אחד " Like one person, with one heart.
"ויקהל משה את כל עדת בני ישראל ויאמר אליהם אלה הדברים אשר צוה ה' לעשות אותם" (לה א).
And Moshe gathered the entire Congregation of Bnei Yisrael and he said to them these are the things that Hashem has commanded to do (35:1)
Many times people do "Vayakel" , they call gatherings and maintain sessions and write protocols and compose decisions but everything stays on the paper and nothing gets done. Moshe comes to teach us that Hashem commanded to do things . When it comes to matters of Mitzvah or Kedusha , it is not enough to gather together but things must be done.
"וכל חכם לב יבואו ויעשו"- "That what the Torah emphasizes "And every wise person should come .and do
Certain people are wise when it comes to criticizing or to give advice, the Torah instructs us to come and do and not just to talk.